“Business leaders call for stability after PM’s resignation”

Oct 18, 2022 | Budget

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

When I heard the Fiscal-Event-Mini-Budget announcements (which were, I thought, just that, and no longer just ‘goals’), I worked out that both I and our business would be quite a bit better off. So I took Liz and Kwasi at face value and decided to employ someone, to go for ‘growth, growth, growth’. Yes, I know many  businesses and doing-OK-for-themselves individuals planned to trouser the difference, thank you very much; but there must be more than a few others who believed what they heard and did what they thought was the right thing. Several U-turns and a Chancellor later, it seems I’ll actually be worse off. I’m not changing my plans, but I bet some of those others will. So that, in a nutshell, is why ‘businesses and markets are crying out for certainty’. At least for more than a fortnight. 

Read more here

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

You, like a majority of both taxpayers and accountants, may have been sweating and cursing over a keyboard last week to submit a last-minute tax return. Many by the end of that accursed process will have been shouting ‘bring back paper!’, a vain and pointless hope, I’m afraid.