I remember when cassettes were the thing, recording all of my vinyl LPs so I wouldn’t have to turn them over and to cut out the crackles using the miracle of Dolby technology. Now we’re realising that, despite their faults, those LPs and 45s were a pretty good thing. Not the best analogy, I know, but for all the faults of the Prison Service, what possessed the government to think to think that Capita could do better for less money? And that’s just one bit of our lives (well, some people’s lives) they’re running. Check out their website and you’ll see they have their now-lossmaking-fingers in 20 or more different pies. Will we/they never learn? Probably not.
“Advice firm Almond Financial moves to four-day working week”
The Four Day Week was much discussed and trailed post-COVID, when remote-working looked likely to end strap-hanging commutes for good and laptops on the kitchen table were to become the ’new norm’.