Don’t you just love a good survey? I suspect there are more readers who have Gen Z children than...

“Digital legacy ‘overlooked’ in financial planning by clients”
This was a new concept for me, too. Your ‘digital legacy’ is your online life and, like it or not,...
“Gen Z turn to family and TikTok instead of advisers”
There was an interesting discussion on one of the many online forums for we advisers, on the...
“Over a quarter of Gen Z Brits are turning to TikTok for financial advice”
When I started posting stuff on YouTube, my children of all ages did ask me: ‘Why?’ Not, as I (and...
“Blend of digital, hybrid and traditional advice key to lowering costs”
I learned this week that 80% of financial advisers charge more than us. To put it another way,...
“Hybrid Advice: Do The Numbers Stack Up?”
Hybrid advice has become a buzzword in our business, and the problem is it means different things...
“Central London office take-up second highest in Europe”
For all the talk of a ‘working from home’ revolution, it seems there’s just as much demand for...
“Hybrid advice models to tackle lack of investor confidence”
OK, a little financial advice business navel-gazing, but nothing new there. We’ve been receiving...
“The tech winners and losers of the pandemic”
Although ethical/sustainable funds eschew fossil fuels, arms and fags, they are more often than...
“Hybrid advice is the way of the future”
‘Hybrid’ or ’now you see me in your living room, now you don’t’ advice, is still the...
“Elon Musk declares end to remote working at Tesla”
Seems that Musk trusts his staff about as much as Rees-Mogg trusts his civil servants. Elon is a...
“Behind the Headlines: The relentless rise of hybrid advice”
To us, hybrid advice means seeing people online as well as in person from time to time; quite a...
“FCA warns social media giants over ‘dodgy’ investment adverts”
I really think they’re fighting a losing battle here. There are so many who believe whatever they...
“Can tech companies continue to benefit from hybrid working?”
Don’t you hate it when people text radio shows to say they’re ‘dancing round the kitchen to all...
“Google may cut pay of staff who work from home”
This is so counter-intuitive. You’d expect the tech companies to be most switched on (pardon the...