Although in theory the environment (pardon the) for sustainable/ethical/responsible funds improved...
Ethical investing

“Can the magnificent seven ever be considered a ‘responsible’ investment?”
Ethical? Sustainable? Responsible? Let’s call the whole thing off, what’s in a name? What should...
“Number of clients considering ESG drops for a third year”
As you’ll have heard many times, we like to think we champion...
“Green advisers push back at ‘lazy and dated’ sustainability views”
Nice to know that mine is not a lone voice, and that there is at least some 21st century,...
“Adviser slams sustainability as ‘overdone and ludicrous'”
There are many reasons/excuses for not saving the planet. ‘Why bother recycling, it all gets...
“Green investing is underperforming, but don’t count it out just yet”
There are some johnny-come-lately ethical and sustainable investors who put money into...
“HSBC AM’s ‘head of irresponsible investment’ condemned over climate speech”
There’s been much talk of big corporates speaking with forked tongues about their green...
This month’s Interview: Sian MacInnes
Join us as we speak with Sian MacInnes, Chartered Independent Financial Adviser at Philip James...
Royal London slams Shell’s climate plan
This is good news, a sign of big investment companies using their clout in positive way. Royal...
“Fiduciary duty trumps ethics for weapons investors”
Here’s food for thought if you’re not currently an ethical investor. Many, if not most...
“Wealthy Brits refocus portfolios ethically ‘with urgency'”
What big investors, like fund managers, pension funds, and in this case the ultra-rich do with...
“Asset managers ‘largely failing’ on ESG voting, research suggests”
If you own shares, you’ll know it’s pointless voting at shareholder meetings as it’s only the big...
“Oh no! Not another ESG article”
If you mentioned ethical sustainable investments to anyone in this business a year or two ago,...
“UK launches green savings bonds”
Considering how much noise they make about other (in particular green) stuff, this government...
“Fifth of advisers have ESG conversations with clients”
Sort of amazing that this is seen as a good news story that now as many as 20% of advisers raise...