As rehearsed many times on these pages, the average age of the financial adviser population is...
Financial Services

“Fewer than one quarter of advisers’ clients are under 45”
Thirty or more years ago, the opposite was the case, and a majority of clients were, if not under...
“FCA to tear down regulatory barriers in response to government growth calls”
If those ‘regulatory barriers’ can be so easily torn down, it begs the question, why were they...
“Majority of IFAs have no plans to use AI in their practices”
I remember sometime in the 90’s, attending a presentation by a successful adviser providing...
“Advice firms only spend 35% of time on client meetings”
So what should we be doing with our time? Ask any adviser what they enjoy most about what they do...
“Half of industry rejects shift to four-day work week”
The supposed move to a four day week has been much trailed and many a firm in many an industry has...
“AI expected to impact advisers more than regulation or ESG”
I had my own AI epiphany this week. Just before a Zoom meeting, I clicked on a button at the...
“‘AI could mean advisers can take on 500 clients'”
The ‘optimum’ number of clients which an adviser can effectively look after is much discussed at...
“FOS complaints surge by more than 40% in first half of 2024”
Robbie Williams hit the rock bottom of depression because of the one or two (in the Daily Mail and...
“Industry reacts as FCA probes 20 social media influencers”
‘Influencers’ are a big thing these days. Build yourself a following on social meed-ja (or be a...
“FCA: ‘We’re not against small firms’”
We’ve always been a small firm, even when we thought we were big, as the official classification...
“Is time up for the self-employed adviser?”
The enduring business model in the world of financial advice has been that of firms, both large...
“FCA fines Starling Bank £29m over financial sanctions screening”
All of us at pretty much whatever level have to complete anti-money laundering (AML) training and...
“FCA fines PwC £15mn for failing to disclose suspected fraud at LCF”
The collapse of London Capital reflects badly on the whole of financial services and particularly...
“FCA to launch protection commissions probe over competition concerns”
How could a review into the evils of commission paid to those who sell life insurance be a bad...