If you ever wanted a reason to support alternative energy, renewables and the like, here it is....

“FCA asks private equity about knock-on effects of market turmoil”
Private equity investors buy into small-to-medium-sized companies, giving them a big injection of...
“Wealthy Russians flee to Dubai to avoid sanctions”
One door closes, another opens, I guess. It’s not my cup of mint tea these days but there are...
“UK to ban Russian oil imports”
You get the impression, don’t you, that the oil and petrol we use comes from some sort of...
“Oil steadies as U.S. seen unlikely to sanction Russian exports”
And of course there’s oil and the oil price. This has fallen as it seems we and the Europeans have...
“Oil markets prepare for lofty prices and restrained supply”
Plus ça change and tout ça. Many thought a positive by-product of Covid might be the...
“Markets in V-mode: vaccine hopes, Biden bounce in play”
It was interesting to look at the winners and losers in last week’s stockmarket Biden Bounce and...
“Biden bounce sends global markets racing”
So we’ve had both the Biden Bounce and Vaccine V this week as ‘stock markets around the world...
“Markets rally as Biden wins US election”
Strangely, I’ve never met or spoken to a Trump supporter. Maybe, like some Brexiteers, they don’t...
“The price of US oil has turned negative for the first time in history”
My (school) friend who knows about this stuff explained how the price of oil could possibly be...
“‘It’s positively alpine!’: Disbelief in big cities as air pollution falls”
Could it be that the virus will do Greta and Extinction Rebellion’s work for them? Could changes...
“Rothschild: ‘Markets may have overreacted’ to coronavirus pandemic”
Here’s an optimistic note on which to end the week. Optimistic financially at least. Stock markets...
“Oil & gas stocks could be worthless within 5 years, says Scottish Mortgage’s Anderson”
This is what could really make a difference to the climate change emergency. Will fund managers...
“Brent Crude oil price rises as attacks hit supply”
I've been told we're getting a new boiler and/or heating system (I know, but not my area of...
“Oil price jumps to 2014 highs as Trump abandons Iran nuclear deal”
A number of things-financial have crept upwards, almost below the radar. The price of oil has more...