ISAs have been simplified, believe it or not, over the years. You can now mix cash and stocks and...

“NS&I saving rates slashed”
This does seem a rather bizarre decision. We know Rishi, Boris & Co need to get as much into...
“Laura Suter: Child Trust Funds come of age”
It was the 18th birthday of the Child Trust Fund this week, which means the first babies to...
“Millions would be broke in less than a month if they had to rely on savings”
Having savings, or rather, actually saving, is not an issue of class or income. I have...
“Fos rules against Sanlam on 1989 advice”
Don’t usually comment on this stuff, but this is the third of these I’ve seen in as many weeks....
“Care ISA proposals branded ineffective by experts”
The ISA has become this governments cure-all. Help-to-Buy (to cure the housing crisis), Lifetime...
“MPs call for abolition of Lifetime ISA”
My view on the Lifetime ISA has always been that a) it’s too complicated b) there are other less...
“FCA proposes basic savings rate for cash accounts”
It’s not a big step from the imposition of a minimum interest rate to the recently-much-discussed...