You, like a majority of both taxpayers and accountants, may have been sweating and cursing over a...

“Campaigners claim victory as HMRC overhauls pension withdrawal tax system”
This has been a long-standing bugbear for many an adviser and more particularly our clients taking...
“HMRC to raise millions of extra revenue from interest on late IHT payments”
If someone dies and those who are left to look after things can’t pay any Inheritance Tax due...
“‘IHT is no longer only a concern for the wealthy’”
Broad brush, if you’re married, have kids and are passing your home on to them, your worldly worth...
“Over 4,400 file tax returns on Christmas Day”
The Christmas break has always been, for me, the only real break. I can properly forget and ignore...
“UK is now risky lab rat for rich tax-perk reform”
You’ll remember much pre-election party sparring over the rich non-doms supposedly milking our tax...
“IHT receipts rise again with Budget policies set to turbo charge tax”
We’ve been involved in many a technical, post-Budget follow-up session with various specialists,...
“Advisers concerned Budget impact on clients will be negative”
Can we identify any clients for whom the Budget has been positive? I’m struggling. The only...
“Winners and losers of govt’s non-dom reforms”
Taxing those supposedly tax-dodging non-doms has been a Labour mantra for some years, and seemed...
“‘The Treasury needs to commit to a pensions tax lock'”
Every chancellor in every complexion of government feels the need to tinker, for better or worse...
“Inheritance tax nil-band freeze will cost families an extra £234k”
The stealthiest of stealth taxes has been the freezing, and in the case of Inheritance Tax,...
“Autumn Budget: Capital Gains Tax Changes Dominate”
It could have been worse. Apparently there was a plan to really change CGT, probably to align it...
“AIM shares avoid worst fears as inheritance tax relief halved”
This one was rumoured, I didn’t think it would happen and in the end it only half-happened....
“Business property relief ‘unlikely’ to be removed from Aim shares”
This time next week, we’ll know thank goodness, and have moved the discussion on to Halloween...
“Number of people paying dividend tax doubles in three years”
That more are having to pay tax on share dividend income should be no surprise. The allowance, the...