“Expats to be ‘severely impacted’ by Spain’s 100% tax on foreign homes”

Jan 20, 2025 | In the news

Tags: EU, Spain
An independent (financial adviser’s) view

I think we’ll be seeing some similarly radical tax plans across the pond in coming weeks and months. However, for any Brits thinking of retiring or second-homing in Spain, well, get in quick has to be the advice. This particular radical tax would apply to any non-EU nationals looking to buy a property in Spain, and would effectively double the price. And, yes, if it happens, it’s yet another unforeseen-which-should-have-been-foreseen after effect of the B-Word. A word I’m pleased to see at least Paddle Boarding Ed (Davey, as no-one is calling him) is trying to bring back into the political mix. The rest have been avoiding it as some kind of unchangeable monolith. Were I to be so inclined, I assume that my Irish second passport would let me bypass it all. Smug alert.

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