“FCA to take action against Neil Woodford and WIM”

Apr 16, 2024 | Investments

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

It’s ten years now since Neil Woodford launched his own fund management company. He was seen as a miracle-working fund-management guru in our business for many years, running highly successful equity income funds with Invesco, formerly Invesco Perpetual. Many, both advisers and DIY investors threw money at his startup fund and it was heavily promoted by the likes of Hargreaves Lansdown who, of course, don’t advise but leave it to you to decide…I was, I’m delighted to boast with hindsight, a tad more cynical and would that others had followed my minnow’s-eye view. As has been oft-proven in many a circumstance, political, sporting and business, someone outstanding in the midst of a big team is not always the best person to run their own show. Taking big risks with small companies can work well, but will go wrong. If your investors want their money back at the same time, the surround of a big company can cover many a track; not so if the buck stops with you. Lessons for us all.

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