I attended a Zoom meeting last week with 30-odd fellow financial advisers from around the country The subject was the use of technology in the Covid (and hopefully post-Covid) age. What amazed me was the extent to which, after a year, most have not got the basics of professional Zooming:
- Just because you’re at home, don’t dress like you’ve just got up/come in from the garden/from a run, this is business!
- Get a virtual background if the best you can do is a bedroom, kitchen or sofa with blank wall.
- Buy a stand, or at least put your laptop on a pile of books so you’re looking at the camera and not down on it like a god from a mountain; and clean the lens occasionally!
Don’t take this to heart if you’re a client. You’re the customer and don’t have to make an effort. But my fellow professionals do rather surprise me at times…