One upon a time, Russian spies tried (sometimes successfully) to recruit Labour MPs and trades unionists to help their cause. How times have changed. The now-capitalist Ruskies are chucking cash at the Tories, £3.5m, allegedly, from nine different Russian oligarchs (does any other country have oligarchs?); although the report confirming this is, as we know, ‘stuck in the machinery of government’. Boris, last week, seemed to think it would be tantamount to racism to refuse their donations, saying we must be ‘very careful before we cast aspersions on a particular country’. Sorry, Boris. Just off to launder my laundry.
“Advice firm Almond Financial moves to four-day working week”
The Four Day Week was much discussed and trailed post-COVID, when remote-working looked likely to end strap-hanging commutes for good and laptops on the kitchen table were to become the ’new norm’.