“‘Humans are not wired for a modern day retirement'”

Jun 12, 2024 | Pensions, Retirement

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

The conversations we have with clients about their retirement inevitably start with ‘can we afford to…?’ Usually, the answer is (with a few ‘it all depends’) ‘yes’, and we can show you that you won’t run out of money unless you go on 3 or 4 cruises a year; but that is just the money, and there’s a lot more to it than that. If going to work or running your business has been your main purpose, or at least the dominant activity in your life, you really do need to think, not just, ‘what am I going to do all day’, but what am I going to do all day that makes it worthwhile. And, believe me, that really can be an unexpected consequence and problem for many. The answer may be, if you have the option, to take a long holiday and think about it first. And/or to make sure you really do  know and have planned what will come next.

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