“Only a quarter currently in employment expect ‘hard stop’ retirement”

Oct 6, 2023 | Pensions

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

Although it’s still part of the language of working (or not working), I do think the concept of retirement will continue to evolve and quite likely dissipate in times still to come. The brilliant ‘The Hundred Year Life’ (reviewed here a year or two ago) foresees the future bringing multiple career strands, some of which can and will continue far into later life; and so taking your gold watch and spending the rest of your days in the garden will become rare, or just one of those strands. Of course, that may only be the privileged future. Many have no choice but to have ‘multiple career strands’ and do several jobs just to survive, as a result giving themselves little chance of making 100; or have to keep working whether they like it or not just to keep the show on the road. Paradise v Paradise Lost, I guess.

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