Investing responsibly

Want your savings to do good things? Find out more about ethical, sustainable and positive impact investing.

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What is ethical investing?

Did you know that £100,000 held in the average pension or investment fund can increase your carbon footprint more than 20x?

And that although 70% of investors want to feel their investments are doing more good than harm, only 10% of advisers regularly recommend ethical and sustainable investments?

We’re proud to be part of that minority. As members of the UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF), we can help you to invest responsibly without sacrificing the best financial returns. It may be that you’re concerned about the world in which we live in and make an effort to care for our environment. Or that you want to ensure that your investments won’t support, for instance, tobacco or armaments companies. We believe that investing responsibly provides the best chance for both long-term growth and our future prosperity. And with a growing choice of ethical investment funds and changing corporate attitudes, there’s now no need to compromise your principles for investment performance.

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Positive impact investing

Learn about the benefits of ethical, sustainable  and socially responsible investments

The amount invested in ethical funds has grown rapidly, increasing substantially in the last decade, as has the number of ‘ethical’ pension and investment funds available; but with increasing choice comes increasing complexity.

The first ethical funds screened out the ‘bad’ stuff, tobacco, armaments and latterly, mining and oil companies. Then came ‘Positive Impact’ as well as negative ethical investment, not just avoiding the bad guys, but seeking out the good ones. ‘Sustainable’ funds look to invest in companies and industries still likely to be around in future decades and more recently, ’ESG’, Environmental, Social, Governance’ funds look under the bonnet at how companies are managed and run.

We take the time to ‘look under the bonnet’ at our recommended portfolios to make sure they’re both properly ‘ethical’ and that they are tailored to the level of risk that we agree is right for your circumstances. It’s important to remember that when investing ethically the same risks and principles apply; diversification (and good advice) are the keys to better performance.