Investing for growth or income? We make your money work harder
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01993 824 680
Investment advice
Do you have a lump-sum to invest from savings, inheritance, or from your pension?
Do you want to organise your savings more effectively or make sure your investments do more good than harm? We can advise you on how best to invest your money.
Most of our clients want to know that their money is going to be ‘working as hard as it can’ for them, that they’re getting the best return possible, are not taking risks with which they’re not comfortable nor harming the world or environment. We have a wealth of knowledge and experience to ensure you are making the most of your money.
We’re ‘seeing’ more clients, both old and new, than ever, meeting virtually using FaceTime, WhatsApp, Zoom, Teams or just the ‘phone, according to your preference. The only difference is, you don’t have to make us a cup of tea!
Our Fees
About us
To be able to help we’ll need to know:
Step 1
How much you want to keep as a ‘cash reserve’ for immediate access. We will make sure that you’re getting the best rate from your bank or building society deposit accounts.
Step 2
How much you want to invest without risk. We usually advise that some funds go into guaranteed investments, such as Premium Bonds or Fixed Rate Accounts.
Step 3
Whether you need an income from your investments and if not, whether you’re likely to in the future, and how far away that future is.
Step 4
Your tax position now, and whether this may change. We’ll aim to make sure that any investments we recommend or that you ask us to look after, are as tax-efficient as possible for you
What’s your attitude to risk?
We’ll then discuss how much risk you are comfortable to consider. This is different for everybody and may vary according to your circumstances, and change over time. That’s why it’s important that any funds you invest, and any advice we give (or that you’ve been given in the past), is regularly reviewed.
Our recommendations are never complicated. Most of our clients want a reasonable return, without too many risks and many wish their money to be held in ethical, sustainable and socially responsible investments. We work with portfolio and fund managers whom we know well and we continually review their performance, charges and strategy.
It’s our job to make sure they’re doing a good job for you. And your client website will let you see your investments at any time, on your computer, mobile phone or tablet.