We’re often asked ‘how much do I need in my pension to be able to retire?” We have, as you might expect, to give a politician’s answer: ‘Well, that all depends’. It depends on how much you’ll need, or think you might need, firstly to ‘keep the show on the road’ and cover your basic spending, and then to do a bit more than that and have some fun along the way. In just the last couple of weeks, the answers have varied between £1,500 and £5,000 per month; and I guess if you have or are talking to a financial adviser, you’re able to aim higher than a ‘basic retirement’. The £110,000 pension pot is what’s needed, in addition to the state pension, to match the current living wage. And sadly, in our supposedly-wealthy nation, there are many, many pensioners who do and will have to live on much less.
“2024 a mixed year for sustainable investing, report finds”
lthough in theory the environment (pardon the) for sustainable/ethical/responsible funds improved significantly last year, the performance of many did not. Excluding oil/mining/guns/fags all hampered their performance in the aftermath of Ukraine.