Picking investments…

Sep 27, 2017 | Investments

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

Listening to a number of fund managers yesterday, talk about how they pick investments was uncannily like hearing gamblers describe how they analyse form for the runners at the 2.30 at Kempton; or, worse still, the choice of numbers on the roulette table. Cynical? Moi? Yes, about making things too complicated, trying to look clever and beat the markets in the short term. My view has always been that a boring but well-managed managed fund will always be fine if you hang on in there. If it’s not rocket science, don’t use a quadratic equation to solve it.

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

You, like a majority of both taxpayers and accountants, may have been sweating and cursing over a keyboard last week to submit a last-minute tax return. Many by the end of that accursed process will have been shouting ‘bring back paper!’, a vain and pointless hope, I’m afraid.