The potential cost of ‘later life care’ is a big and recurring concern for many to whom we speak: ‘How can we stop everything being swallowed up by care fees? There’ll be nothing left to leave anyone!’ There are various schemes which offer to put your worldly goods in trust, so that you can, if assessed, qualify for local authority help. Of which, sadly, even if you’re really or on-paper penniless, there is very little. Which is why hospital beds are full of those who could be looked after at home or in a good, old-fashioned nursing home, were any carers or help available. It’s only going to get worse, we and they all know that. But nursery and child care is more likely to get workers working and voters voting and so the bigger problem is kicked, once again, into that proverbial long grass.
“2024 a mixed year for sustainable investing, report finds”
lthough in theory the environment (pardon the) for sustainable/ethical/responsible funds improved significantly last year, the performance of many did not. Excluding oil/mining/guns/fags all hampered their performance in the aftermath of Ukraine.