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“Advice firms only spend 35% of time on client meetings”
So what should we be doing with our time? Ask any adviser what they enjoy most about what they do and without exception they will tell you that it’s spending time with their clients.
“Half of industry rejects shift to four-day work week”
The supposed move to a four day week has been much trailed and many a firm in many an industry has experimented with it. It’s become a thing since the Covid WFH (working-from-home) revolution and more than a few companies have adopted it and have, apparently, very happy workers as a result and not drop, in the magic word, productivity.
“AI expected to impact advisers more than regulation or ESG”
I had my own AI epiphany this week. Just before a Zoom meeting, I clicked on a button at the bottom of the screen which said ‘AI Companion’, not, of course having read any manuals.