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“Fewer than one quarter of advisers’ clients are under 45”
Thirty or more years ago, the opposite was the case, and a majority of clients were, if not under 45, then certainly below retirement age; in the ‘accumulation’ rather than ‘decumulation’ phase, in current fin servs jargon, saving fof rather than spending in retirement.
“FCA to tear down regulatory barriers in response to government growth calls”
If those ‘regulatory barriers’ can be so easily torn down, it begs the question, why were they erected in the first place? The other oft-heard refrain is ‘health and safety gone mad’. Again, why?
“Majority of IFAs have no plans to use AI in their practices”
I remember sometime in the 90’s, attending a presentation by a successful adviser providing helpful hints to an audience of wannabes, young and old.