Pronouncements on the detail of pensions are never likely to be election winners or swayers. When the manifestos finally arrive, my guess they’ll say no more than that certain aspects will be ‘reviewed’ with ‘consultation’. Labour did oppose pension freedoms when they were sprung upon them in G Osborne’s 2015 budget but have since ‘read the room’ and seen how popular they are. Similarly, I can’t see further tinkering with the lifetime allowance being a priority. But one things for sure, they will not be able to resist a fairly major tinkering with a fair number of pension regulations; because no government or chancellor ever has. And they whatever they do will make life still more complicated; because it always does.
“Why people over the age of 55 are the new problem generation”
I suspect that many a ‘boomer’ might be pleased with the ‘problem generation’ label. When they were teen- or twenty-somethings, their parents’ generation may well have either despaired of them or worried about the world into which they were emerging as adults; it will ever be thus.