Many (many) moons ago, I was a travel rep in Spain, which was not then a member of the EU/EC/EEC...
Tag archive for: European Union

“Bank prepares for deep recession”
The Governor of the Bank of England: 'The effects of a 'no deal' Brexit will be similar to those...
“Stockpiles of food, medicine and blood will be built up if no deal Brexit becomes likely, ministers reveal”
Many who voted Leave will, of course, still have their old ration books so I’m sure they’ll be OK....
“Brexit white paper: ‘UK and EU won’t have current levels of access to each other’s markets'”
Expect the exodus to new EU bases of fund managers and other financial services providers to speed...
“Amundi: Sterling could fall below €1 after Brexit completion”
More experts, probably with vested interests and holiday homes in France or Spain, are predicting...
“Iain Duncan Smith urges people to ignore leaked government report on Brexit”
Have you watched those programmes where restaurants ask Gordon Ramsay to come and sort them out?...
“Farage’s call for second Brexit vote greeted with glee by remainers”
So Lord Farage of Brexitshire wants a second referendum. Is he a) very clever b) not very clever...
“Warning France could limit UK asset managers’ access to EU funds post-Brexit”
The French, being awkward, annoying and trying to take advantage of the stupid rosbifs? Shurely...