Thirty or more years ago, the opposite was the case, and a majority of clients were, if not under...
Tag archive for: Financial Advisers

“Can the magnificent seven ever be considered a ‘responsible’ investment?”
Ethical? Sustainable? Responsible? Let’s call the whole thing off, what’s in a name? What should...
“Number of clients considering ESG drops for a third year”
As you’ll have heard many times, we like to think we champion...
“Firms with over 50 advisers report pre-tax loss in 2023”
For those of us who have been in the business for a while (OK, quite a while), this comes as no...
“Quarter of divorcees will consult a financial adviser”
If you’re an adviser, and have been so for any length of time, it’s pretty much inevitable that...
“‘Financial planning for polyamorous relationships is not any different'”
Well, here’s a thing, a thing that I have to say I didn’t realise was a thing. A polyamorous...
“Advisers overlooking younger clients over asset value bias”
I’m not sure why this should be a surprise to anyone. Yes, economic realities mean that advisers...
“Letter of authority: Why now is the right time for change”
This may sound like a non-issue from outside the world-of-financial-advice bubble. It is the bain,...
“Worry for profession as young adviser numbers plummet”
There are around 31,000 advisers currently authorised by the FCA to give advice. Of these only...
“Octopus CEO: Financial advisers should be more like GPs”
‘Financial advisers should be more like GPs’. An interesting headline. The writer’s rationale is...
What’s in a name? One of our trade papers this week asked a selection of advisers how...
“‘Trust in the industry needs to be built'”
“Trust needs to be built in the financial advice industry, and bringing in people from different...
“Why more young advisers are needed to replace those retiring”
The average age of a financial adviser is 59. Many of those above the average are hoping to hang...
“‘I was really surprised at how emotional clients can get'”
When you’ve been doing this job for a long time, it’s refreshing to hear the thoughts of someone...
“Green investing is underperforming, but don’t count it out just yet”
There are some johnny-come-lately ethical and sustainable investors who put money into...