ISAs have been simplified, believe it or not, over the years. You can now mix cash and stocks and...
Tag archive for: Financial Conduct Authority

“FSCS finds ‘misleading advice’ in mini-bond investigation”
You buy a car from someone who claims to be a qualified mechanic but isn’t. The breaks fail and it...
“Will PI cover break advisory firms?”
I was involved in an FT podcast this week, on the cost of and problems getting professional...
“FCA under fire over handling of adviser tip offs”
I was invited by our regulator to a consultation day, where they, with, as they told us, an...
“MPs launch contingent charging inquiry”
"The scourge of contingent charging" might not sound like vexing issue if you're not in this...
“MPs call for abolition of Lifetime ISA”
My view on the Lifetime ISA has always been that a) it’s too complicated b) there are other less...
“FCA proposes basic savings rate for cash accounts”
It’s not a big step from the imposition of a minimum interest rate to the recently-much-discussed...