Every chancellor in every complexion of government feels the need to tinker, for better or worse...
HM Revenue & Customs
“Overtaxed savers reclaim £1.3bn on pension withdrawals since 2015”
This is an issue well-known to many of our clients. If you do want or have to dip into your...
“Tories pledge ‘triple lock plus’ tax cut for pensioners”
If the State Pension does keep rising with the Triple-Locked highest measure of inflation, and the...
“Call for system overhaul as HMRC pays back £42mn in pension tax”
Next year’s budget (who knows who’ll be presenting that) will be the tenth anniversary of ‘Pension...
“New call for £15,000 personal tax allowance threshold for people on State Pension”
Currently around 11m of us file a tax return by that awful deadline of 31st Jan. That might sound...
“HMRC scraps plans to tax pensions after death”
A couple of other Statement Highlights (in my world, anyway). A welcome ‘nothing happened’ on the...
“IFS: scrapping inheritance tax hands £1mn to richest 1%”
To say that Inheritance Tax is all in the mind would be an exaggeration, but it is true to say...
“Are Brits too reliant on inheritance for their retirement plans?”
The answer is, in many cases, probably yes, and as less and less of the next generations have or...
“Inheritance tax regime must move with the times”
In my experience, some worry too much about Inheritance Tax, others not enough. Most married...
“IFS calls for govt to scrap 25% tax-free lump sum”
’Scrapping’ the tax-free lump-sum would not be a simple as it sounds. Nothing in the wonderful...
“Pension tax relief ‘cost’ hits £27bn”
The next Budget is a couple of months away. And it may actually be called a Budget this time;...
“More than a fifth of top earning bankers have non-dom status says major new study”
#TaxtheRich pops up all over Twitter and the internet. Sounds easy, but actually no easier than...
“Tax cuts fail to save lacklustre Spring Statement”
Maybe it’s all down to presentation, but no-one seems to have thought much of Rishi’s ‘moment to...
“Inheritance tax receipts hit £5.5bn”
OK, this won’t make even a tiddly dent on the Government’s cashflow needs - they borrowed another...
“Brexit border check plans announced as firms face ‘£13bn’ in customs costs”
Governments don’t have the best of track records when it comes to organising or commissioning...