This time next week, we’ll know thank goodness, and have moved the discussion on to Halloween...
Tag archive for: Property

“Brokers respond to Money Box presenter’s comments on finding a broker”
According to Paul Lewis of the BBC’s MoneyBox programme, to get a good deal,you should go to a...
“More mortgage lenders pull deals on rate rise fears”
I was right in one of my predictions last week, but for the wrong reasons. I said there would be a...
“Why Wall Street is snapping up family homes”
If you’re a believer in the ‘When America sneezes’ cliché, here’s an interesting development from...
FCA bans contingent charging on final salary pension transfers
Buying a house is the biggest financial commitment most of us make. We look at it once, twice at...
“Property investment scheme shut down by courts”
Always apply the ‘if it looks too good to be true, it probably is’ rule when parting with your...