ISAs have been simplified, believe it or not, over the years. You can now mix cash and stocks and...
Tag archive for: Regulation

“Number of people paying dividend tax doubles in three years”
That more are having to pay tax on share dividend income should be no surprise. The allowance, the...
“Tax simplification policies needed from next govt”
One of the Truss Financial Event measures which has yet to be reversed is Kwasi’s abolition of the...
“High net worth voters back Labour despite private school tax”
Keir has mentioned on every possible occasion that his dad was a toolmaker, so let me do my bit: I...
“Advisers fearful of further compliance and regulation”
We know, of course we know, that regulation is, or at least should be a ‘good thing’. If those who...
“Govt says review into tax reliefs ‘not best use of resources'”
This sounds like common sense. Every Budget’s continual tinkering with every aspect of our tax...
“Tax reliefs ‘have been abused’, say UK MPs”
‘Tax reliefs have been abused’? One man’s abuse is another man’s (or tax adviser's or...
The Office for Tax Simplification to be abolished
This QANGO (as nobody now calls such institutions) was set up to suggest improvements, supposedly...
“Over 1 million Brits to be dragged into higher tax bands by 2027”
So, yes, it will cost a lot to give all those strikers and others decent, or at least...
“How grandparents are facing more restrictions than oligarchs”
I did say some years ago that it’s easier in this country to buy a football club than to pay...
“What regulation of art markets means for advisers”
The answer, in our case, is not a lot, as we don’t recommend works of art as investments (even if...
“FCA predicted to crack down on funerals in 2022”
Yes, they really do get their sticky fingers into everything, don’t they? Despite the headline,...
“What does the future hold for vertical integration?”
Vertical integration is a bit like Communism. An investment or pension company having its own...
“Google, Facebook and Amazon face new UK regulator”
In the 70s and ‘80s, financial services was the Wild West. Anyone could flog pensions and savings...
“UK will not be a ‘rule-taker’, Andrew Bailey tells EU”
Quotes I had to drum into myself forty or more years ago for exams are, for some reason, still in...