Annuities used to be the only game in town. When you reached your chosen or pre-selected pension...
Tag archive for: Retirement

“Retirees with annuities have fewer affordability issues”
I’m not sure that the results of this survey are as straightforward as they appear. Yes, if you...
“Annuity comparison quotes hit new highs in 2024”
Annuities used to be the only game in town. When you came to take benefits from your pension,...
“IFS would welcome return of reformed LTA”
I listened to Paul Johnson, director of the Institute of Fiscal Studies, the most neutral of the...
“Review of pension freedoms ‘inevitable’ under Labour govt”
Pronouncements on the detail of pensions are never likely to be election winners or swayers. When...
“Aegon: Living to 100 is no longer a fantasy, but are we prepared?”
Not sure how many of us actually fantasise about living into our hundreds nor the extent to which...
“Back to work for people aged 65”
So is it ‘back to work’ or never stopping? And why? Because we’re cash-strapped and can’t afford...
“State pension set to rise 8.5% as CPI inflation remains ‘steady'”
‘What is this ‘triple lock’ we keep hearing about?’, I’ve been asked by more than a few already in...
“Labour government likely to beef up auto enrolment and re-instate LTA”
Beefing up auto-enrolment has to be a good thing. We’re under-pensioned and don’t save enough, as...
“Generation DC face ‘disastrous’ retirement without more help”
I know, yet another Gen, so what does this one mean? Gen DC covers X, Z and a few others, as it’s...
“Only a quarter currently in employment expect ‘hard stop’ retirement”
Although it’s still part of the language of working (or not working), I do think the concept of...
“What looks good when it comes to retirement saving?”
‘How much do I need in my pension to be able to retire?’ we’re often asked. ‘I’ve heard you need...
“Brits will find it harder to retire comfortably in the UK, study claims”
Here’s more on that self-same Advice Gap. One reason that many correctly think it will become...
“UK government slammed over its short-term approach to pensions”
‘The median life expectancy of a pensions minister is 13 months’, less, apparently than that of a...
“How can lifelong renting be made more compatible with retirement saving?”
Here’s a future problem that will doubtless be kicked down the road until it becomes a crisis....