I'm reading a book called 'Transcription' by Kate Atkinson, set in 1940's London, and highly...
Tag archive for: Theresa May

“Gavin Williamson: ‘I was tried by kangaroo court – then sacked'”
If you’ve worked for a big company, you’ll know that most managers (except you, if you’re a...
“Less than a fifth of millennials would now vote Conservatives”
Apparently there is an average age at which the average person becomes a Tory voter, and it’s...
“Brexit votes: What happens next?”
There are five, often six in our household. For us, it’s TV on which it’s hard to find consensus....
“May suffers heaviest parliamentary defeat of a British PM in the democratic era”
Do callers on radio phone-ins or faces on TV ‘vox-pops’ represent to views of the GBP? You’d kind...
“Immigration: White Paper sets out post-Brexit rules for migrants”
The head of something called ‘Migration Watch’ was interviewed about the government’s new policy...
“Brexit TV debate: Theresa May says she will only face Corbyn”
I can’t work out quite why they want to have a TV face-off. Persuading we punters to support them...
“Theresa May popularity SHOCK: Approval ratings SOAR as Jacob Rees-Mogg bids to oust her”
Eddie the Eagle, Tim Henman, Susan Boyle...we Brits love an underdog, don't we? We even voted the...
“Theresa May says Brexit deal will deliver on immigration by stopping EU citizens ‘jumping queue'”
Not sure that many who signed up for Brexit thought they'd be upping the chances of those from...
“Gove and Fox back May as PM seeks to quell Tory revolt”
I was going to write something to the effect that she's tough, much tougher than we all seem to...
“Theresa May links her Brexit plan to end of austerity in UK”
You heard it here (several times) first. Austerity will miraculously end the day after we Brexit....
“‘Wake-up call’ for Tories as business loses faith in party”
It comes to something when business no longer thinks of the Tories as the 'Party of Business'. It...
“Restaurants face ban on taking share of tips”
Talk about fiddling around at the edges/while Rome burns/diversion tactics, take your pick. Don’t...
“While Jeremy Corbyn spoke for the many, Theresa May was promising businesses low corporation taxes”
The flip-side of New/Old/Whatever Labour is their belief that business is the root of all evil and...
“Police plan for civil unrest after ‘no-deal’ Brexit”
Is it just me, or is everything getting more and more bonkers? Apparently, the manifesto of the...