“The decline in remote working hits Britain’s housing market”

Jan 21, 2025 | In the news

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

I watched ‘Panorama’ this week, all about the return to the office, should we/shouldn’t we? Do homeworkers really doss around all day in Jim-jams and slippers watching daytime TV with half an eye on the computer, or are they actually more productive without hours of tubes and commuting. Old schoolers like Stuart Rose, ex-boss of M&S, was in the ‘never did me any harm, we’ve all got problems, just get on with it’ brigade. Others, like those campaigning to give stay-at home-mums a chance to get back in the workforce, say that in most cases there’s no difference in productivity. The effect on property prices is an unexpected consequence, as many companies insist on a return to the office, at least on a TWAT (Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday) basis, and commutes from country cottages become impractical. Worth remembering, too, that many of the lowest-paid do not have the option. You can’t wait on tables, wipe bottoms or pack Amazon parcels from home. But hybrid is and should continue to be a thing and will be and is good for many if not all. But I would say that wouldn’t I, as a twenty-year plus home-baser.

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