I like to think we were well ahead of the ‘going paperless’ curve as we’ve an online business from the start. Internally, that is. We still receive a mountain of post each day, and, due to a current circumstance, I’ve had to face the sheer volume of work that generates. Yesterday, for instance, six of the ten envelopes that arrived were from one provider, all with a similar contents; all of which had to be opened, scanned and shredded, the digital equivalent of the work of the filing clerks of years gone by (kids etc.). When, I wonder, will the saving in post, labour and paper make the investment in tech needed to change all this worthwhile. Not yet, it seems.
“Majority of IFAs have no plans to use AI in their practices”
I remember sometime in the 90’s, attending a presentation by a successful adviser providing helpful hints to an audience of wannabes, young and old.