Good news is not, of course, always good news. The US economy is doing well, higher interest rates haven’t led to unemployment and more jobs are being created rather than lost. So the matching/contrasting headline from a couple of weeks ago was ‘strong economic activity prompts Fed to hold rates for fifth time’. Everyone, well, everyone with investments or borrowings rather than cash in the bank, wants to see interest rates at least edging down. Then once again, owning ‘real assets’, shares and property will make more sense than do other options. Bonds, fixed interest loans to companies and governments, will also go up in value, if the rate they pay becomes more than you could get elsewhere. Win win, then, for a while; but they can’t go down forever, and shouldn’t as 10 years or more of rates at pretty much zero actually did not much good to most, making the rich richer and the poor poorer. We need that unattainable happy medium, or, as Gordon Brown famously once said, ‘no more (Tory) boom and bust’. Would that it were so simple.
“Why people over the age of 55 are the new problem generation”
I suspect that many a ‘boomer’ might be pleased with the ‘problem generation’ label. When they were teen- or twenty-somethings, their parents’ generation may well have either despaired of them or worried about the world into which they were emerging as adults; it will ever be thus.