“Why people over the age of 55 are the new problem generation”

Feb 4, 2025 | Pensions, Retirement

An independent (financial adviser’s) view

I suspect that many a ‘boomer’ might be pleased with the ‘problem generation’ label. When they were teen- or twenty-somethings, their parents’ generation may well have either despaired of them or worried about the world into which they were emerging as adults; it will ever be thus. The surprise here is that divorce, drink, drugs and STDs are increasingly problems of that older generation, as the younger are less likely to be boozers or smokers, don’t get married unless they’re sure and are rather more careful, selective and less desperate on those dating apps, than might be your average over 50- or 60-year old. What the boomers are more likely to have than the Gen Whatevers is the financial security of their own home and pension; which means they’re the ones who can afford to ‘fool around’. Mid-life crises may come in a different form for many in years to come.

Read more here

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

“HMRC: ‘digitalising tax process could close gap’”

You, like a majority of both taxpayers and accountants, may have been sweating and cursing over a keyboard last week to submit a last-minute tax return. Many by the end of that accursed process will have been shouting ‘bring back paper!’, a vain and pointless hope, I’m afraid.